The ATS Tutorial, Andyroid

Introduction To Andyroid

We have seen a brief overview of ATS and its rationale. This part of the document discusses an extended example and some hints about how to use ATS. It is followed by a reference section. Few adventurers survive the reference section; take an easy trip with this tutorial before venturing into that jungle.

The sources you need to follow along interactively are in the Examples/Andyroid subdirectory of the ATS distribution. However, you can also just read along.

The premise of this tutorial is that we have a program called andyroid; it has a post-processor named andyroidPoster that runs using the output file of andyroid as input.

These two executables are located in subdirectory andyroid. To avoid having to compile anything for this example, these are in fact scripts, so that to execute andyroid is really accomplished by executing:

python andyroid/

but you can just imagine that andyroid is a compiled program that has been installed in that subdirectory. You can see the options andyroid has by executing python andyroid/ --help.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i FILE, --input=FILE

input file name

-o FILE, --output=FILE

output file name


Add delta?


A vital parameter

From here on out we will assume andyroid is an alias for python andyroid/ so that we don’t add to the confusion with the extra text that would not be present for a real program. Just pretend andyroid is a compiled program.

Running Andyroid under ATS

Let’s suppose that we normally test our program andyroid by using this command:

andyroid -i -o test1.out

How do we get ATS to execute this test for us? The simplest way is to make a file simpleTestSuite.ats that contains:

import os
# this is the system-independent way to say "python andyroid/"
andyroid =sys.executable + ' ' + os.path.join("andyroid", "")

test(executable = andyroid,
     clas = '-i -o test1.out', label= 'test1')

(clas stands for “Command Line ArgumentS”). Then execute:

ats simpleTestSuite

Note: this is not the recommended strategy, but there is a lot to learn by starting simply. ATS has lots of command-line options as detailed in the reference part of this document, but we don’t need any yet.

Go ahead and try it. You’ll notice some interesting things here.

  • The input file simpleTestSuite was found even though we didn’t put on the .ats extension. ATS tries the name, then the name with .ats added, and finally the name with .py added.

  • We constructed the name of the executable using sys.executable so that it would use the same Python that ats is being run with. In general, ATS tests the executable to be sure it exists and does not rely on your path to find it, so you must be precise. This is to avoid having all your tests pass when in fact you didn’t execute the program you intended to test.

  • label is a name for this test. A test has both a unique serial number, and a unique label. (If the label isn’t unique ATS will make it unique after all the tests have been collected from your input file(s).)

  • The output from the program we test (and separately, its standard error), and the output from ats itself, are put in a single directory. This directory has a name that contains the kind of computer we’re running on, and the time. The directory has the extension .logs.

    The output files for a given test contain the test’s serial number, a simplified form of the label, and the time. That doesn’t mean all the output from the test goes there; if the test creates files it creates them in the directory where ATS is running them, which is by default the directory of the “sourced” file that specified the test. That doesn’t have to be so, as explained in the reference section entry for the test function.

    So, when you ran simpleTestSuite, andyroid created a something.logs directory, containing ats.log. Unless the test failed, the standard output and standard error (which were in that same directory) have been deleted.

    To make ATS keep the output we can add an option to the test command, keep = True. Or, we can run ATS with a --keep option, which will keep the output of any test that doesn’t have keep = False as an option.

You’ll also notice the log has full information on which tests passed or failed, and has various summaries and the list of what tests were started in what order. Additional information on scheduling is available in atss.log, especially when using the --verbose or --debug options.

Also in the log directory after ATS has finished execution is a file named “”, where the “r” stands for “results”. This file can be used in postprocessing; see Results Facility for details.

ATS Execution Phases

ATS works in six phases.

  1. Read the files on the command line.

  2. Examine the collection of tests, make sure every test has a distinct label, and identify batch, interactive, and ineligible jobs (for example, one that needs more processors than are available).

  3. Dispatch any batch jobs that have been specified to the batch system. If there is no batch system, such jobs are usually skipped, but this can be overridden by the ‘–allInteractive’ option.

  4. Run the tests.

  5. Report the results

  6. Run any postprocessors the user has defined.

Here are the details.

Phase 1: Sourcing

The first phase is to read the files you specify on the command line in the order you gave them. This is called sourcing them, because it is equivalent to using ATS’s source command.

A file being sourced is written in Python using some already built-in features, as we discuss later. In simpleTestSuite, we are able to refer to a function called test, which is already defined for us.

A test is created for each test or testif statement that is executed. However, the ATS statements such as test can be mixed with arbitrary Python statements.

The test or testif statements return a value, a test object. This object contains all the information about the test; its attributes are documented in the reference manual.


A test is not executed when the test function is executed.

The input language creates the illusion that the test function is causing the test itself to be executed. And it is … eventually, but not now. The test statement creates a test object and puts it in a big list of test objects, but it doesn’t execute any tests until it is entirely done sourcing files.

Consequently, you may not test the truth value of a test object:

if test(...):   # ERROR CANNOT DO THIS

t = test(...)
if t: ...        # NOR THIS

This coding is disallowed because it looks like it is making one test depend upon another, but it isn’t. The tests are not executed at this stage but rather later.

To make one test depend on another’s success, we do this:

t = test(...)
testif(t, ...)

As the tests are collected, the filters that have been defined so far are used to see if the test should be attempted or not. Besides any user-defined filters there are built-in filters on the number of processors, np, and the level. The level is simply an easier-to-use filter that lets us execute just a portion of a test suite.

Two more functions, group and endgroup, can be used to group together a set of tests that are to be considered as a unit for reporting success or failure, and optionally for protecting one or more directories from interference from other tests.

The wait function can be used to divide source files into portions, so that the tests defined in that source file, after a wait() call, execute only when the tests declared above it are completed.

All these features are described in more detail in the reference material chapter Controlling Input.

In the log, the end of the input phase is marked with a message that says, “Input complete.”

Phase 2: Sorting

The tests are examined to determine these things:

  • Is the test to be executed interactively or in a batch system?

  • Does the test depend on another (via a testif statement) so that its execution must follow that of its parent (and be cancelled if the parent fails?).

  • Is the test a member of a group, or subject to a wait statement?

  • Are there sufficient CPU resources to run the test?

From all this information, the list of tests that each test must wait for is calculated, and a priority is assigned.

Phase 3: Batch

Any tests that are scheduled for batch are sent off to be handled by the batch system. The details of how that is done and how you find out what happened depends on the particular batch system.

Phase 4: Execution

ATS must decide which tests to start given the available resources. To that end, each test has a priority. We can assign that priority (an integer) in the test statement itself, but if we do not, a priority is calculated that reflects the value of np (the number of processors the test requires) in the test and the priorities of any tests that must wait for this one to finish.

As a result, parent tests tend to be executed earlier so that they do not become a bottleneck. But, depending on the available resources, lower-priority jobs may be used to keep the machine “full”.

You can see from the logs (especially atss.log``) which tests were started. If you see that a test ends up executing for a long time after all the others are finished, you can give it a higher priority. If you aren’t getting the behavior you expect, see the reference chapters for further details, especially directory blocking.

After test execution is completed, a file named continue.ats is written into the logs directory if any of the tests failed. After fixing the problem, you can use continue.ats as an additional input file to another ats run. This allows you to fix as many problems as possible before attempting a full test suite again.

Phase 5: Report

Reports are made about the tests, followed by summaries. Some tests can be made to report on the terminal only if they fail, using the record or group options. These reports are made to the log. Information about tests that finished can be seen immediately by using the --verbose command-line option.

Phase 6: Postprocessing

Any functions registered by the user for post-processing are executed.


onExit(f) can be called with a the name of a function that takes one argument, the ATS manager object. At the end of the ATS run this function will be called. The function f can do whatever it likes.

Multiple functions can be registered and they will be called in the order in which they were registered. Possible applications are printing reports, making graphs, etc.


The master testlist is manager.testlist.

A file is written into the log directory and can be used for postprocessing after ATS has finished. Using this facility, you can compare runs or analyze previous runs. See Results Facility in the reference section.

Postprocessing Example

Here we add coding to our ATS input file to print out information for those tests that were filtered out:

def showFiltered (manager):
   filtered = [t in manager.testlist if t.status is FILTERED]
   log("Detailed list of filtered tests.")
   for t in filtered:
       log(t.serialNumber,, t.note)

It would also work to put the showFiltered function in a file, run:

python -i <logdirectory>/

>>> showFiltered(state)

The file defines a variable state that contains information equivalent to the manager object. Using the -i flag to Python, you can interactively examine the results of the ATS run.

Debugging Techniques

level = debug(ivalue = None)
ivalue is an integer, or omitted.

With no arguments, debug returns the current debug level; with an argument it sets the level.:

if debug():
old = debug()  #save current value
...  # debug is true in this section
debug(old)   # restore previous value

So you can have various levels of debugging in your own coding:

myDebugLevel = 2
dsave = debug()   # save the current value
if debug():
     .... do some stuff...
if debug() >= 2:
    ... do some more stuff...
debug(dsave)   # restore original value


The --debug command-line option is equivalent to a debug(1) call at the start of your input.

Just remember you can’t do an if on a test object, and it is rather pointless to do something right after a test statement because the test won’t run until the input is all finished.

logDefinition(name1, ... , echo=True, logging=True)

can be used to log the named vocabulary words , or with no words, all the names.

Debugging Scheduling

If you run in debug or verbose mode, you will get a lot of information about what affected the job schedule by examining the atss.log file. Entries appear showing whether a job that could have executed has been blocked because it is waiting for directory blocking (B), waits or dependencies (W), or for adequate numbers of processors (C for “CPUs”).

Structuring Your Test Suite

It is rare that a test suite of any size becomes an all-or-nothing affair. The more tests there are, the more the need to run selected sets for selected purposes. However, having the same test specifications repeated in a variety of input files for ATS is an invitation to maintenance headaches.

Simple First Steps

We could do the entire test suite by making simpleTestSuite larger, listing one test after another in a single file. As we will see later, various filters and level indicators can be used to make it possible to execute selected subsets of the test list.

For example (inline.ats):

import os, sys
codeDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'andyroid'))
andyroid = '%s %s/' % (sys.executable, codeDir)
andyroidPoster = '%s %s/' % (sys.executable, codeDir)
stick(clas="-i %(inputFile)s -o %(outputFile)s %(opts)s")

test(executable=andyroid, inputFile='', outputFile="test1.out",

t = test(executable=andyroid, inputFile='', outputFile="test1d.out",
          opts="--delta", label="test1d")
testif(t, clas = 'test1d.out', executable=andyroidPoster, label='test1dpost',

However, in our experience a centralized test file is not a good idea except on a small project. If you have several developers who work in a distributed source tree, it is better to have the tests near where the developers work, so that they can add new tests and don’t have to fight over a single file containing a master test list. Instead the master file, or a few files for different purposes, should contain mostly source statements to source the master files of various subdirectories; e.g.:


and so on down the tree until you get to files that actually specify tests in different areas.

However, when you start to do this, you do lose one thing. Remember our line that specified what “andyroid” meant? That would have to be repeated all the way down unless we do something about it. That’s not so bad until the day you want to run some alternate version of andyroid. The solution is to define the symbol “andyroid” so that it will be known in any subsequent “sourced” files:

andyroid = '/my/path/to/andyroid'

We will see this in action later.

Understanding The Test Statement

In Python, functions often take arguments of the form name = value. These are called keyword-value pairs.

The test function takes these arguments:

  • Zero, one or two positional arguments, followed by

  • An arbitrary number of keyword-value pairs. These keyword-value pairs are collectively called the “options”.

The possible forms are:

test(script, clas, option1 = value1, ...)
test(script, option1 = value1, ...)
test(option1 = value1, ...)

The testif function is the same with an additional (required) first argument, the value returned by a previous test or testif function.

Understanding Test Options

Some options have default values. Here is a list of the arguments and options in approximate level of importance or likelyhood of use:

* script can be given by an option rather than as a positional
  argument, or omitted.

* clas can likewise be given as an option and in fact must be if
  script is omitted, or omitted.

* executable = 'path/to/executable' is the program to be tested.
  If not given, the executable is the one specified with the ``-e``
  (or ``--executable``) command-line option, which defaults to Python

  Your executable may include options, such as '/path/to/executable -f',
  or may be given as a list of components, such as
  ['/path/to/executable', '-f']. If the path contains a space, you
  must use the list form to avoid ambiguity.

* np = 0  is the number of processors required. Zero means 1 processor
          but may differ in consequence from np = 1 on some machines.

* label should always be specified to help you understand which test
  is referred to in ATS's output. It defaults to the script name.

* name is calculated from the name of the executable, but you can
  set it explicitly. The full name of the test is "name (label)".

* batch = False; if set to True, the job is executed in batch if possible
  and otherwise not at all unless ``--allInteractive`` is used.

* level = 1 is the level of the test, which is subject to the built-in
  level filter controlled by the ``--level`` command-line option.

* priority is calculated for you if not given.

* independent = False; if set to True, the test can be executed when
  CPU resources are available. If False, the test will not be able to execute
  until no other test is running in that directory. See also the
  :ref:`group facility <group_statement>`.

* timelimit has a default value of 30m, or as set on the command line
  with ``--timelimit``. The test will be killed and given a timed-out
  status if it is not finished running after this much time.

* keep = 0; if set to 1 (or set to 1 by the ``--keep`` option), the output
  files are kept even for tests that passed. If set to 2, the standard
  error file is also kept.

* check = False; if True, a test that passes is listed as one whose
  output needs to be checked by hand.

* record = True; record can be set to False to omit summary reports of
  this test unless it fails. You might do this with tests that are
  simply post-processing followups to a test upon which they depend.

* hideOutput = False; if set to true, any captured output is not
  printed in the log. (See the discussion Using Magic Output).

* directory defaults to the directory in which script resides; or if
  script is not given, to the directory in which the file being
  sourced statement resides. ATS will execute ``executable`` in this

* magic = "ATS:"; if an output line starts with this symbol, the
  rest of the line is stored in test.output. The newline at the
  end is stripped off.

* SYSTEMS if given is a list of machine names on which this test is to
  be executed. Otherwise the test will be executed if otherwise eligible.
Resolving Option Values

For each option keyword there is a final value determined as follows:

  • Start with the default value, if any.

  • Apply values that have been set using the glue function.

  • Apply values that have been set using the tack function

  • Apply values that have been set using the stick function.

  • Apply values that have been set using the group function.

  • Apply values in the test’s options.

This final value is used. The dictionary of final values is used for interpolation into script and clas, and for filtering.

Here are the scopes of the various ways of setting values:

  • Values set in a test statement apply only to that test.

  • Values set with stick apply only to test statements that follow it within the same file. A file sourced by this one does not see the stuck value.

  • Values set with tack apply until to all subsequent test statements until the file being currently sourced is completed. If this file sources another, the tacked value applies in it too.

  • Values set with glue apply to all subsequent test statements until overwritten.

  • Values set with group apply to all tests defined within the group. This scope also ends at the end of a source file.

  • Values set on the command line apply for the entire run.

User-Defined Options

You can add any keyword-value pairs you want to the test statements, and set defaults for them with the glue, tack, or stick statements. Then you can use them for filtering or for interpolation into clas and script.

Interpolation of the options into clas and script is done by using Python’s % operator. For example, if clas = “-in %(inputFile)s”, and we have an option inputFile = ‘’, the result will be clas = “-in”.

The user can define options for the purpose of controlling which tests get executed. For example, if you do this at the top of your input:

glue(threshold = 0.)

and in some tests you have a different value:

test(..., threshold = 1., label = 'just me!')

then you can execute ATS with a filter to screen out those tests where threshold is outside of some range:

ats mytest -f 'threshold >=0.5 and threshold <=2.0'

This would execute only the second test above.

Default values can also be defined locally with glue, tack, stick and group directives, and filtered with filter directives. Including a small file with such values and filters might be an effective way to define a suite:

ats mydefinitions mytest

where mydefinitions contains glue, tack, and filter specifications.

Pop quiz: in the preceding sentence, why isn’t stick mentioned?

Understanding Defines

When a file is sourced, the language in which it is parsed consists of any Python statement or built-in function, plus a limited vocabulary that includes functions like test, testif, glue, tack, stick, and log. The user can manipulate this list for subsequent sourced files using these functions:

  • define(name=value) adds the name with the given value to the vocabulary.

  • undefine(name) removes name from the vocabulary.

  • logDefinition(name) prints the value of name in the vocabulary; with no name given, it prints the entire vocabulary.

  • get(name) retrieves the value associated with name.

If you source a file that adds to the vocabulary, it will not apply in the rest of the file that did the sourcing. For example:

source('mydefs.ats')  # in mydefs.ats, define(foo=value) is executed.
source('file2.ats')  # foo will be defined while sourcing file2.ats.
test(executable=foo)  # Error! foo not defined here

To remedy this we use the get function:

foo = get('foo')
test(executable=foo)  # foo defined here now.

Here’s an important fact about sourcing: a file is never sourced twice. If it has already been sourced, it is skipped. That means that it is not expensive to do:

foo = get('foo')

in any input files. It won’t matter which of them is executed first, they will all get the definition for foo that they need.

Defining functions

Note that you can define anything to put it in the vocabulary, including Python functions. For example, suppose we wish to define a function that executes andyroid and its post-processor andyroidPoster and which has an interface of our choosing. Here is an example (file andyroid/andyroid.ats):

import os, sys
here = os.getcwd()
codeDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here))
defaultAndyroid = '%s %s/' % (sys.executable, codeDir)
defaultAndyroidPoster = '%s %s/' % (sys.executable, codeDir)

andyroid = os.environ.get('andyroid', defaultAndyroid)
andyroidPoster = os.environ.get('andyroidPoster', defaultAndyroidPoster)

count = 0
def runAndPost(inputFile, outputFile=None, label=None,
               delta = False,
               alpha = None, **options):
    global count
    count += 1
    if outputFile is None:
        outputFile = 'andyroid%05d.out' % count
    if label is None:
        label = inputFile
    clas = "-i %s -o %s" % (inputFile, outputFile)

    if delta:
        clas += " --delta"

    if alpha is not None:
        clas += " --alpha %f" % alpha

# Test the code
    t = test(clas=clas, executable=andyroid, label = label,
             name="Andyroid", **options)

# Test the postprocessor
# report = False means omit separate report for postprocessor if it passes.
    testif(t, clas=outputFile, executable=andyroidPoster,,
             report=False, name="AndyroidPoster", keep = 1)
    return t


(We return the test t in case we later want to have access to it, such as making another test depend on it by defining a similar runAndPostIf(t, ...) function.)

Now we can define a new file testSuite.ats:

andyroid = get('andyroid')
andyroid('', label='test1')
andyroid('', label='test1d', delta=True)

This will result in ATS running andyroid and then, if successful, andyroidPoster, with two different labels and values for delta.

We used the value of the argument delta to set the command line arguments, but we also set it as a test option. Then, if we want to run only those tests with --delta, we can do it with a filter:

ats -f 'delta' suite

We might also choose to modify this example to include group() and endgroup() at the top and bottom of runAndPost; the group call could set options that we wanted in each test statement, and we would save all the output in case of failure of any part of it.


ATS has a built-in leveling filter. Using stick to set a value, you can break up tests into levels and execute only those below a certain value, or between certain values:

andyroid = get('andyroidTest')

andyroid('', label='test1')
andyroid('', label='test1d', delta=True)

andyroid('', label='test2')
andyroid('', label='big run', delta=True,
        level = 30)

executed with command-lines such as:

ats --level 10 suite
ats -f 'level >= 4 and level =< 12' suite

These two levels, 10 and 20, might correspond to daily and weekly tests for example. We recommend leaving some room to change your mind.


When a file is sourced, the normal action is to execute the contents of that file using the ATS vocabulary. However, magic is possible! Before explaining how to do the magic, let’s understand the motivation for it.

An expert on the some area of andyroid may have a test routine, say “”, that he uses, running the program with some variety of test inputs. However, another member of the team will in general not know how to do this. So it would be nice if the expert had a good way to embed in the test the knowledge of what parameters to use to run it, without interfering in the ability of the expert to run it by hand in a different way.

Now, strictly speaking you don’t have a problem here. You can have a separate test file, testX.ats, and this file can have test lines for each test the expert believes should be run, perhaps also giving them appropriate levels, time limits, etc.

However, that often leads to having this extra file for absolutely no reason other than to make this information available to ATS. And so is born the concept of “introspection”: ATS looks inside a file it is about to source and discovers that it is both the input file to be tested and the instructions on how to test it, the latter appearing to be comments.

For example, assuming andyroid uses a “#ATS:” at the start of the line to denote magic comments, might look like this:

#ATS:andyroid(inputFile=SELF, label="testX easy")
#ATS:andyroid(inputFile=SELF, delta=True, label="testX hard")
... body of the testX file

This would cause source(“”) to actually create two tests, where the word SELF will evaluate to “”. The file will not be further sourced, so the language used in the rest of it need not be Python.

If you wish to source a file with a different magic commenting convention, this is possible – see the User’s Manual explanation of the source function.

Putting It All Together

The example given here in file suite is expanded in file fancySuite. There you can see use of many of the concepts discussed here and in the advanced section below. Note that the file begins by sourcing that same andyroid.ats file that we used before. It then starts the testing with Test/main.ats, which in turn sources files in directories simple, delta, and psweep.

In directory simple there is a test that is going to fail. It has been given an option “development=True”. A default value of False has been given to the other tests by using a glue statement in main.ats. Since we used glue and not stick, this value persists into the subdirectories.

In directory delta there are some tests that turn on the --delta option.

In directory psweep we see that in fact psweep.ats is the input file for Andyroid, but introspection is used to execute it many times with different values of alpha.

Advanced Topics

Modifying ATS itself should rarely be necessary. The techniques in this chapter show how much you can do with customized drivers and machine specifications.

Expecting Failure

Applying the tilde (~) operator to a test marks it as a test that is expected to FAIL. Thus:


will be considered to have passed only if it ends up with status FAILED. The status will be changed to EXPECTED and a entry made in the t.notes list documenting this fact. See the reference manual for further details.


Postprocessing the results of the ATS run can be done using a custom driver or using the onExit facility.

Using the Log

One of the defined vocabulary items is an object named log; it acts like a function and prints its arguments into the log and / or on the terminal, space separated and terminated by a newline. For example, if you put this in your sourced file:

log('Entering test section', 'foo', echo=True)

then “Entering test section foo” will be printed to the log and to the terminal. This may give you a good fuzzy feeling if you are unsure of what tests are being initiated.

The echo value controls output to the terminal. Another flag, logging, controls whether or not the output is stored in the log.

Using Magic Output

When a test writes something to its standard output that begins with some magic prefix, ATS captures those lines and stores them in the test object as a list (test.output). The lines have their final newline removed. If the option hideOutput is True, such output is written in the log when the test finishes. By default it is False.

The magic output prefix is set in the test’s option magic; the default value is #ATS:.


This differs from the magic argument to source; they have the same default but otherwise are not connected. The source magic controls the introspection process for input; the test magic option controls the capture of part or all of the output from running the test.

Setting the magic output prefix to None prevents any output collection.

The list would be available to any post-processor using onExit or a custom driver. You may wish to set --hideOutput if you are just going to post-process.

Output Magic Example

If we define a test with a magic option of “shazam!”:

test1 = test(executable=something, ..., magic="shazam!")

Suppose the test runs and prints:

shazam!4.2 6.8

After the test exits, test1.output is ["4.2 6.8"].

Capturing All The Output

Any test with a magic option which is an empty string (formed by using two consecutive single or double quotes) then all the output from the program is captured and stored in the test’s output attribute. You can then do something with it via postprocessing or view it in the log.

A Note on Notes

Each test also has an attribute notes, a list of strings. These notes are currently used to note that certain things have happened and are used in the summary of results. You can append strings to this attribute if you wish.

Making Custom Drivers

The main program ats is a very short script; stripped of some error reporting it reads:

#!/env/bin/python   [this line adjusted on installation]
import ats

ats.manager is an object that controls the ats run. Before you call main, you can do other things such as register onExit functions. You can massage the arguments (sys.argv[1:]) and pass the resulting string as main's argument. (Python’s shlex module can help manipulate argument lists.).

After main returns, the master list of tests is ats.manager.testlist. All the statuses are available as attributes in the ats module.

For example, this driver would add a list of tests that failed in some way to a database:

#!/env/bin/python   [make sure it points to ATS's python]
import ats
from ats import CREATED, INVALID, FAILED, TIMEDOUT, manager
(open the database)
for test in manager.testlist:
    if test.status in failed:
        (write and details to database)
(close the database)

The task of installing this script alongside the main ats script, and adjusting the first line, can be handled with a separate script or by editing to add another script before installing. Change this line in

scripts = [codename]

to read:

scripts = [codename, "your_script_name"]

If you need tighter control, instead of calling main you can call its constituent parts:

from ats import manager
manager.init(clas)  # note, string argument
                    # omit clas = use command line

Here is what those pieces do:

  • init processes the command line and the machine gets defined. The function has 3 possible arguments: a command line, and two call-back functions for adding and examining command-line options.

  • firstBanner initializes the log – before this has been called, using the ats.log object will just write to the terminal. After this call, the manager vocabulary is “up”, so you can safely call things like glue, define, test, etc.

  • core does the “phases” of collection, sorting, and execution.

  • postprocess calls the user’s onExit routines.

  • finalReport writes the detailed report.

  • saveResults creates the` file.

  • finalBanner writes ATS’ summaries and exit messages.

Please let the authors know of any needs for further refinement.

The handyAndy Custom Driver

Andyroid has a little custom driver handyAndy. This driver takes care of the sourcing of andyroid.ats and does some postprocessing looking for failures that did not have the the option development set to True; these are true failures. If users used handyAndy instead of ats itself, the source - get procedure could be left out of all the ATS input files.